The introduction to her book, just struck me with such power. We all have a story to tell. Each one of us will live our lives and each story is going to be different. I remember thinking this little girl is so wise. At that moment, I sat pondering in the car about my story and my life. I sat there pondering and knowing in my heart that I am a child of God, and in my the story of my life, I am the HERO!
American poet and writer, Carol Lynn Pearson said,“Heroes take journeys, confront dragons, and discover the treasure of their true selves.”
In my life, I am the one who gets to make choices and turn things around. Everything about my story can be changed based on how I choose to live my life and react to the situations I find myself in. I think Eleanor Roosevelt said it best about how we become the hero in our story, "We do not have to become heroes over night. Just a step at a time, meeting each thing that comes up, seeing it is not as dreadful as it appeared, discovering we have the strength to stare it down."
Throughout life, my story will continue and each day I will come to understand more and more that I am a Child of God, and that the decisions I make will either lead me closer to my Father in Heaven or further away. But I will always remember, that as I make the right choices I become the hero in my story. And the best part about my story and potentially every one's story is we can be with our Heavenly Father again and live "Happily Ever After."
"Happily Ever After"- President Uchtdorf
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